Cultural and gastronomic tourism in Argentina

Argentina offers several tours including gastronomic and cultural activities:

The cuisine is deployed across the country and, especially, in the City of Buenos Aires, one of the great gastronomic capitals of the world. In Argentina you will find everything from trendy restaurants to historical, regional food, local and international, to grills to signature food restaurants, boutique merger and private.

Argentina's cuisine you'll love.

With its vast geography and varied ecosystems, Argentina provides from the heart of their land a variety of flavors.

In Argentina you will find an endless range of cuisine at your choice of the most varied and exquisite. From modern to historic restaurants, regional food, local and international, to grills to signature food restaurants, boutique merger and private. All their locations are varying by more sophisticated environments, natural, cozy and traditional country.

In Buenos Aires and across the pampa, the emblems are gourmet roast beef and offal. The meats and cheeses of Tandil, seafood from the coast, the Delta pecans or gingerbread confection par excellence as a kind of sandwich cookie filled with caramel-are other delicacies recommended.

It would be a shame to go through without trying the famous Cordoba mountain goat. The German influence is such that in Villa General Belgrano sausages with sauerkraut, cakes, chocolates and microbrews conquer all travelers.

Argentina Food
The Cuyo region is the land of wine par excellence.
Due to the large number of rivers throughout the coastal region, the golden, pacĂșes surubĂ­es and give rise to various dishes of fresh fish and tasty.

In the North the kitchen is more intense, slightly spicy and great personality. Dishes like locro, tamales, tamales and empanadas are classic.

In the Andes there are many dishes with mushrooms, deer, boar and pinion araucaria. Trout and salmon are farmed so widespread dishes like smoked meat. The craft beer, fine fruit, sweets and chocolates are a delight. It's easy to be tempted with a safety pin Patagonian lamb barbecue. The prawns, hake Black South Sea crab and Tierra del Fuego are other treats captive.